Vesak / Wesak
Wesak is a holy festival in Buddhism, and is celebrated on full moon days in April or May. During Wesak Buddhists across the world pay tribute to Buddha’s life. On Wesak Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death is celebrated.
Buddha was born more than 2,500 years ago. His real name was Siddharta Gautama, and he was a prince. Even though he owned more than he could wish for, he was unhappy. People around him were miserable. Many of them were sick, old, sad or dying. He then decided to leave his good life as a prince to figure out how people could achieve a better life. He spent about six years learning, thinking, and meditating.

Eventually, while sitting under a large tree, he found the answers he was searching for. He realized how to live a good life. He became known as Buddha, which means “the enlightened one”. To be enlightened means to understand very clearly. Buddhists call it the enlightenment of Buddha. From prince to Buddha.
Buddha spent the rest of his life teaching others what he himself had found out. He taught people about the importance of being kind and honest in life. After Buddha’s death, his teaching has lived on. It is that guidance we today know as Buddhism.

When Buddhists celebrate Wesak, they attend temples and listen to monks telling stories about Buddha’s life. The temples are decorated with flowers, and candles and incense are lit. The flowers resemble Buddha’s birth in a garden. The lotus flower bears a special meaning in Buddhism. When Buddha took his first seven steps in the garden, lotus flowers grew up under his feet wherever he stepped. In the temple Buddhists bow to pay respect in front of altars with statues of Buddha, Dharma and Sanga (monks and nuns). Many Buddhists visit temples to donate food to the monks. Some meditate, donate money or items to the temples and to those who are in need. It is also common to sacrifice water, rice, and fruit in front of the Buddha statues.

Houses, homes, and temples are usually decorated with lanterns and Buddhist flags. At some places balloons containing lanterns light up the sky. Many people send Wesak cards wishing happy celebration.

A Korean Wesak Video
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